if i am honest this is the bit of the trip i have been waiting for 36 hours, me, gaz, the fiat , and northern wales - the day started with some blogging in alsager as we did a load of clothes at the local laundromat and had an early lunch

then it was wales here we come and we arrived
and then i saw "get in lane" sign but in welsh - it just seem more polite ;0)
first stop was trevor wales and the "stream in the sky" - the following are pictures from the view at the top of the aqueduct - ok so i am walking and it was like this is awesome and then it was like what the hell am i doing up here - i was scared - in a i didn't even know i was scared way - the pictures do not do the height justice - there was NO railing on one side of the "canal" - i am actually getting scared recalling it now.

this is a view of the aqueduct from this nearby local original medieval bridge - then i crossed the bridge and saw this amazing house ( i totally want to live here )

up the road away from trevor was llangollen - it was such a sweet town - and we had a nice walk around and then we dipped into this pub on the river dee - it was an old mill very cool and great tea - ( below view of the bridge from the pub and view of the pub from the bridge)

ok now we were off to our last stop betws-y-coed - on our way the sun was setting and as we winded in and out of the mountains just over the hand-built stone wall was sheep and their little free running baby lambs - i needed a few pics of the bebe lambies
we arrived to betws-y-coed and we have settled into a lovely little hotel - royal oak hotel

we just had a bite of dinner and a proper beer or two and some football(and here is where i tell you the score of the game and so if you do not and do not want to know look away from the screen - 2-1 manchester LOST) and i have bought my internet voucher and now i am blogging away with bbc news on and gary reading the the daily star - i am looking forward to tomorrow - i did not realize that this town is a hiking haven - so we will do a short trail before heading west to the coast. laters -

p.s. bitters 101
it needs to have this head on it - the head that looks like mold or something is floating on top - YUM YUM