monday monday - up and off to nanny's for lunch - this is a pic from the little pub we went to with nanny in little sutton
after lunch we heading to nanny's house and i found wonderful treasures - like these - a painting done by gary's granddad and an embroidery done by nanny

a wedding photo of nanny and granddad

and these sweet little figurines on the window sill of what was once gary's mum's childhood bedroom

after alittle look at the daily paper (notice the headlines) so great :)

we were on our way to maggie and richies's - there was one little detour to visit the church that graham and janet were married in

and where gary's granddad has a headstone ( rest in peace granddad )
ok so then we arrived to maggie and richies's house and the party began - there was food and drink and a regular jam session in the kitchen - it was awesome we sang as richie and gareth played beautiful guitar - cat stevens - neil young - beatles etc - it was great :)
there was some crazy high energy conversation and LASTLY we then had to get pictures of all
gareth and katie
rhannion and marc
richie and maggie
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