Quick clean up + some amazing cali strawberries and off to the beach I headed to meet Ellen Jane and her hunk Henry.
There are alot of freeways out here .... it is not as simple as should I take 95 or the turnpike ? I could not figure out garmin for this one ... used the ole I phone maps ... worked like a charm :)

Today is a typical "JUNE GLOOMER" ... cloudy and cool. I arrived to venice beach and ... I was kinda .... well lets just say it was not what I expected. I do not know maybe it was the weather maybe it was the quietness of the boardwalk maybe it was a combo. I actually think it was the time of day. Then I saw EJ smiling and knew the gloom would not last. Henry had been to VB so he knew what to expect and shared with us. First stop the BB courts used in the filming of "White Men Can't Jump" ... Where oddly enough we found a white man who in fact could not jump ... poor fellow :)

Then there was some walking and as the venetian began this slow awakening process we shopped & lunched :)

Next was the outdoor gym AKA "Muscle Beach" SERIOUSLY ... It was totally surreal !
The whole situation was surreal
It can be summed up using the following photos and a quote I saw on a handmade t'shirt (made by a guy who looked like a cross between a young eddie murphy and the guy who makes all the crazy sounds in the police academy films)

It said "i have seen some crazy shite in venice beach" and I said to the guy "you got that right" ... he smiled but I could tell he was not happy that I did not intend to buy the shirt ... nevermind

It was time for Ellen and I to say our sad goodbyes :(

I headed north a few miles to Santa Monica :)


The PCH "pacific coast highway toward Malibu ... I just love saything that.... I had my top down and was headed north on the PCH to Malibu .... oh and I have the sunburn to prove it. YES it was like 4pm and the sun was out finally :)
In Malibu it was time for a little pick me up :) Marmalade Cafe totally scrumy !!!!

Before heading home I had one more stop. As a high school student there was a few dream colleges for me. One being Pepperdine ... I had to see it :)

OK ... GARMIN "home" please .... oh and he (garmin) did via the scariest "canyon highway" .... Malibu Caynon Road .... freak me OUTTTTTTT !!! I did end up back to Heather's safe and sound within an hour or so :)
A little skype with Gazzy and I was off again ... This time Heather and I headed to a Korean Karaoke joint where you rent a Karaoke room by the hour. AWESOME concept !!!!! Had a BLAST with Heather's friends.

After Karaoke we needed some sort of dinner/midnight snack .... CANTERS ... It is like a west coast Too Jays :) DEELISH !!!!

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