March 28/29 2am GMT
slept in just a tidbit and when we woke anne was found in the garden pulling weeds and planting seeds - and before we knew it ed was up and was cooking the most delicious breaky - farm fresh eggs (literally) , pancakes, sausage, and proper bacon rations - tres bonne - so after breakfast ed had to get some work done and gary went golfing with his dad and for me - well it only took little convincing for me to get anne to "go uphanleyduck" <--- i have no idea what that means it is just what they say for like the local largeish shopping centre - so we SHOPPED and drank starbucksthen it was home in a shot and showered and ready to go for our indian meal ( oh how i have missed you good indian food)
then off to the PUB again - did i mention england has a bit of a "pub cultural"

lastly and this what not so pretty but at about 1am the pub was closed and we headed to ed and anne's house for more drink and just stupid amounts of junk food - here is the photo to prove it - ahhhhhhh england - i heart you - k
Hi Aunt Kimmie.... I LOVE all your pics. Please Skype me soon. I miss you lots.
ReplyDeleteP.S I am loving seeing pics of all my family over in England.